
Professional Cone Breaker Durable Milling Walls for Cone Casting

  In the actual production, cone crusher equipment often with high hardness materials to grind, easy to cause wear and tear of accessories, such as rolling mortar wall is one of the wear parts. Our company in accordance with the actual situation of casting the overall wear-resistant mortar wall excellent, can be put into the actual production applications, effectively guarantee the overall wear-resistant mortar wall performance.
  In the equipment, the rolling wall is one of the cone crusher accessories, with the frame, horizontal axis, dynamic cone, balance wheel, eccentric sleeve, lower crushing wall, hydraulic coupling, lubrication system, hydraulic system, control system together constitute the cone crusher. Therefore, the overall wear resistance of the rolling wall should be paid attention to in the production, so as to protect the production.
  Changxin Mining Machinery Parts Manufacturing Co.,LTD according to the actual needs of customers to use wear-resistant high manganese steel for rolling mortar wall casting, based on the actual basis, the production of products with better abrasion resistance, impact resistance, reliability and other properties. Anxi Changxin traditional production process based on the use of vacuum casting, directional solidification technology, grain greatly refined, fundamentally eliminate casting defects. Now Changxin production of wear-resistant rolling mortar wall has become the countrys large and medium-sized cement plants, mines, the production technology of all products are in the forefront of the industry, to protect the overall performance of the product, the production of products sell well at home and abroad.


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